
Turkey Twins Strike Again!

I told my friend stephaniecapell I would blog about our little experience today, just because it was kind of odd and funny.

So we went to have some delicious sushi at this place at the mall (okay all you haters, yes there can actually be tasty sushi at the mall). It was some good stuff. Then we decided to walk off some of said sushi by just taking a couple laps up and down the mall shops. When we were almost back to our cars, we were approached by 2 men wearing white polos and carrying clip-boards.

One of the men was in his 50s and had some pretty severe cerebral palsy on his left side that affected his movement. The other guy was really young...like maybe 16, and was just really quiet. They were very friendly, and an interesting duo. The conversation went like this:

Older guy: Hey, here are two nice girls, do you guys want to give us your opinion?
Us: (looking at each other apprehensively) Uh...ok.
OG: Do you guys ever eat sliced turkey? How old are you?

Blah blah blah, on from here. So then they tell us to follow them. We just kind of look at each other apprehensively again. And then we go down this dark alley... OK, not really, we just walked down to their office. And we sit down, I answer some questions about my turkey eating habits, and they give me 2 packages of sliced turkey meat to take home. (Sadly, Steph is an elderly woman, and since she is 2 years older than me they had already filled up the old lady age category. HA! Just kidding, love ya friend.)

As we were walking out, me with turkey in hand, I felt like we had just been in a David Lynch movie. So many characters in this world. Isn't this world such an interesting place?

*As a final sidenote, it is looking like I'm going to be able to get through the school district bureaucracy and start teaching again. Perhaps even at the same Special Ed school I was at before. I am really pleased with that; and will talk about this in detail sometime soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll get a lot more hits on this blog entry if you rename it. How about "Turkey Lurkey", "Turkey Twins Strike Again!", or "No Thanksgiving for Steph". :)

1:45 PM  
Blogger bethany said...

Done, and done.

2:29 PM  

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