Nearing the end of Ords...
Well, my ordination exams are almost over. I finished the 3 timed exams (3 essays in 3 hours for each exam, over 2 days) and I am currently working on the take-home portion where I translate a passage from the original language (I get to choose 1 of 2 passages they selected--one from the OT (Judges) and one from the NT (1 Thessalonians)...I went with the Judges passage all the way, it's a really intense one), answer some translation/interpretation related questions, and write a sermon outline from the text. That's due Thursday at 9am, and then I'm all done! Yay! I felt alright about the timed exams--I don't think I knocked many of the questions out of the park, but I think there's a good chance I got a passing score on each one. Here are a few highlights and thoughts from the past few days:
1. When I woke up Friday morning for the first exams, I felt more worshipful than I have in a while. I think it's because I was totally relying on God, and realized that I have the knowledge, but I needed God to help me recall it and use it. I wasn't stressed at all. I mean, if I was relying on myself, well, then I'd be in some trouble--because my abilities can give out at a moment's notice. But I was relying on God, and that's a firm foundation.
2. I should never, I repeat, NEVER buy a big bag of Laffy Taffy from Target. I learned this the hard way, and had to pass the goods on to a friend.
3. I am a huge nerd. I literally was giddy with excitement to receive the take-home Bible exam. Honestly, I was looking forward to taking it all week, and couldn't believe I'd be getting credit for something I love to do so much. This leads us to #4...
4. It seems pretty clear that at some point I will go on to do my PhD in Biblical Studies. This just helped seal the deal, and clearly showed my neurotic and passionate love of studying Scripture.
5. I have friends who love me. Honestly, I was actually taken aback by the number of friends (ok, well, not like 100, but at least 5) who got in touch with me after my first day of exams to check in and just let me know they were thinking of me. It was such a gift. It's hard for me to take in that people care about me, so this was a good, tangible reminder.
6. I am allowed one impulse purchase after a time of serious stress. And how could I not when the purchase is as delightful as the following?
1. When I woke up Friday morning for the first exams, I felt more worshipful than I have in a while. I think it's because I was totally relying on God, and realized that I have the knowledge, but I needed God to help me recall it and use it. I wasn't stressed at all. I mean, if I was relying on myself, well, then I'd be in some trouble--because my abilities can give out at a moment's notice. But I was relying on God, and that's a firm foundation.
2. I should never, I repeat, NEVER buy a big bag of Laffy Taffy from Target. I learned this the hard way, and had to pass the goods on to a friend.
3. I am a huge nerd. I literally was giddy with excitement to receive the take-home Bible exam. Honestly, I was looking forward to taking it all week, and couldn't believe I'd be getting credit for something I love to do so much. This leads us to #4...
4. It seems pretty clear that at some point I will go on to do my PhD in Biblical Studies. This just helped seal the deal, and clearly showed my neurotic and passionate love of studying Scripture.
5. I have friends who love me. Honestly, I was actually taken aback by the number of friends (ok, well, not like 100, but at least 5) who got in touch with me after my first day of exams to check in and just let me know they were thinking of me. It was such a gift. It's hard for me to take in that people care about me, so this was a good, tangible reminder.
6. I am allowed one impulse purchase after a time of serious stress. And how could I not when the purchase is as delightful as the following?

yay! more biblical scholars is a good thing.
I'm glad you're excited--the exegesis exam was the one time in my seminary life where I didn't get excited about exegesis. I think its probably because I felt I needed to go all safe and not look for the life in the text.
typically, those were the comments I received--sort of middle of the road, but passing!
congrats...ords stink. Casey
Nice shoes! Glad you made it back safely.
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