
Murder at Taize

Though this happened last week, it has remained very much on my mind since then. Brother Roger, the now 90 year old founder of the Taize community in France, was murdered during a worship service last week. The community is known to most Americans through its musical and liturgical contributions and by reawakening of a contemplative worship style among a greater number of Americans; and as one of the only (if not the only) place where Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox can receive communion together. It is a beautiful beacon of unity among the Body of Christ in this world, with a mission for peace, togetherness in the Church, and worship of our wonderful God.

I can't really seem to wrap my mind around what has happened. In some ways it also puts me in touch with a bit of the outrage and insolence that seems appropriate in considering the execution of Jesus--feelings I'm not usually in touch with about that.

God have mercy.


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