Antibiotics, Doctors, and Books
Me: I think I have a sinus infection.
Dr.: You should probably lose weight.
Me: Um...this is about my sinuses, I feel like total crap and I need you to look up my nose and help me out here.
Dr.: Do you exercise?
Me: Uh, yeah, almost always 5 days a week, I go to the gym or go for walks.
Dr.: (I can tell he doesn't believe me about the exercise, even though I'm telling the truth.)
Me: But can we get back to figuring out about this annoying and horrible sinus infection I have?
Dr.: Man, I wish everyone would be at their ideal weight on this super awesome weight chart of mine. Thin people never get sinus infections.
Me: (stares in disbelief, thinking "screw you")
Okay, so that's not verbatim. But you get the idea. It hasn't been as much like that in the past few years, I think I know how to advocate for myself better--and I don't just feel ashamed for getting a sinus infection or whatever anymore. But anyway, going to the doctor isn't always my favorite thing. So I'm glad it was relatively painless today, and they were very kind and helpful. When I'm already sick, I don't love people making snap judgments and criticisms. Not that I love that when I'm not sick either.
So, since I've been under the weather, I've been able to do a lot of reading. I have read over half of that short book The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience by Ron Sider and I must say I'm very disappointed. After his first book, Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, I had high hopes. But alas, it's not very interesting, doesn't go into the issues very deeply, and screams of agenda-driven biblical exegesis. I don't recommend it. However, I do recommend the book I'm reading now, that I'm almost finished with called Kafka on the Shore. My friend Aline recommended the author to me after she read The Wind Up Bird Chronicle. I have found this book very enjoyable, and I will probably read other books of Murakami's in the future. For now, I am looking to read another novel after this one, by whoever. Anybody have any suggestions?