
Changed my mind...

I'm going to maintain both blogs after all.
Thursday I'll be having lunch with probabaly the foremost Old Testament scholar of our time. This opportunity arose out of a series of fortunate circumstances, and basically just being in the right place at the right time. I'm excited, but also kind of wondering what we should talk about. I mean, not that there has to be any kind of particular agenda, but I don't want to waste the brief time we'll have together. I mean, it's not like I'll never see him again, since I do my work-study with him, but it's not the same kind of thing as a one-on-one time of conversation.
In general, I think it's much better when I don't plan the conversation topics in advance, and just let myself be present to the moment and say what comes naturally. But still...I just don't want to regret not really delving into the time together, y'know? Overall I'm simply grateful for the chance.
What would you want to talk about with a renowned Old Testament scholar?


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