
Bye Bye Loveline

By chance, I happened to decide to go for a drive and listen to Loveline last night. As it so happens, it was the final show with Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew together (we are on a 1 day delay here). It was really a landmark occasion for me.

Loveline has been kind of a guilty pleasure of mine ever since I moved up to L.A. for college in 1995. But I really got into it in my final couple years at UCLA. When I needed a break, wanted to clear my head, or just wanted to laugh at other people's misery (like I said, guilty pleasure), it was the perfect companion for me. Plus, I love talking about sex. I would listen to it when I'd drive back and forth from San Diego visiting my mom, I would listen to it during the time I smoked a lot--and would smoke, and drive, and listen to Loveline. I seriously loved it, and like all semi-regular listeners, I really felt like I got to know Adam and Drew over the years. And I seriously learned some things.

Even after college, when I was working, there were nights when I was feeling especially low, and sometimes I would go out and drive around and listen to Loveline, even though that meant I was up way past my bedtime (especially for someone who worked as a teacher, and had to be up early). Those days I would just stop by Starbucks, aka the evil coffee empire, the next morning and get a Venti Soy Latte (seriously, don't knock it until you've tried it).

So anyway, it really is an ending of sorts for me. It's like a relic of my early adult life that is now defunct. It's a weird feeling, and I'll miss it. Adios Loveline.


Blogger TheNeedyMother said...

I miss WATCHING Loveline on MTV so I feel you, man.

2:48 PM  

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