
Ords Results...

Tomorrow by 4:30pm we get the results for our Ordination Exams we took in August. I took all four exams (Biblical Exegesis, Presbyterian Polity, Worship and Sacraments, and Theology), and they are each scored individually. I am setting my hopes low, and just hoping I pass two of them. But of course I would like to have all four passed. And Exegesis better be one of them, or else I may as well drop out of seminary right now. Since Exegesis is my favorite and my strongest area.

But I also realized that this weekend for me has turned out to involve a lot of time invested in people with disabilities. For example, tonight I'm speaking to a support group for parents of teens with disabilities, about L'Arche. Then tomorrow I'm volunteering at a children's hospice where they're doing some respite care. Then Saturday I'm going to the movies w/ a 19 year old girl and her boyfriend who both have developmental disabilities, and two of their friends who area also in wheelchairs.

So anyway, as I was thinking about my plans for the weekend, and then realizing I was getting my Ordination Exam results tomorrow, this did two things. 1) It put things in perspective regarding the importance of my results. and 2) It made me wonder whether God worked it out this way intentionally because I'm going to fail all four and I'm going to need my friends with disabilities to remind me of my inherent worth.... Well, anyway, just pray for all of us tomorrow, and for the many different results we'll all receive.


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