
How far does it go?

OK, so you know how there are some (maybe many) Christian churches that talk a lot about women dressing modestly? They talk a lot about how Christian women need to not wear things that might cause a man to lust, as an act of servanthood for their brothers in Christ. Like, be decently covered, don't wear super tight things, etc. It's never been a huge issue for me, since I'm not really into that style of dress anyway (okay, I'll go occasionally for the plunging neckline...because sometimes you just got to work what your mama gave you). But anyway, over the years I've heard different takes on this, and whether it is or is not valuable. And I can see both sides.

But here's my question. There's a guy at my school who, in my humble opinion, has GREAT hair. It's the type of hair me and a couple of my friends would fondly call "f--k me hair." And it seriously has that type of lustful effect on me (not all the time, but sometimes). So here's the question, if girls have to dress modestly so they don't incite lust, does that mean this guy has to cover up or cut off his hair? Just askin'...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he should have to cut it. Now I'm off to the directory to try to figure out who that is!

4:57 PM  
Blogger bethany said...

For the record Casey, you won't find him in your directory...

6:49 PM  
Blogger TheNeedyMother said...

I can't say much about this dude's hair, but I can say that on the flip side of what women stumble with is stuff like guys crossing emotional boundaries - i.e. doing things for you with no intention of pursuing you in a committed relationship. To him, I say, cut it off! Or out.

9:33 AM  
Blogger DarkTortoise said...

Our Christian culture doesn't place much emphasis on hairstyle with regard to modesty. A woman with great hair wouldn't be expected to cover it up out of modesty. Wearing, say, exceptionally tight jeans, though would seem to fall into the same category as what you describe for women.

The discussion does make the lines we draw rather arbitrary, though, doesn't it?

4:43 PM  

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