
This Blog...

So, I am kind of getting bored of updating this blog when almost no one ever comments on it. Even though I just copy and paste my entries from my other blog (where friends actually do comment), it's just not fun to keep posting things here and getting zero comments. A lot of it is ego really. I'll admit that.
I was keeping this blog because you can leave comments even if you're not a subscriber, and some people said they wanted to do that. Whereas for my other blog (the one that actually gets action) you have to subscribe to the site.
So here's your chance. If you want this blog to stay up, and if you think there is a possibility you might leave a comment on it in the future, please leave a comment on this entry just saying so (you can just put your initials if you don't want to write your whole name). If no one really responds, I'll probably just stop updating this one.
In the meantime, here's my latest entry from my other blog:

Some random thoughts for today...

1. I would like to see a throwdown between Beck and Moby. And I would totally be rooting for Beck.
2. I am convinced that a friend of mine and I would fall in love with each other if two things were different. a) I was more into hardcore athletic activities (meaning things besides working out at the gym and going for meandering walks, those don't really count), specifically if I was more into bicycling AND b) If he was more into art and literature (more like a general aesthetic appreciation). But my friend who knows both of us says those are not good reasons to claim incompatibility.
3. Lately I've been thinking a lot about whether beliefs shape actions more, or whether actions shape beliefs more. It's definitely both, but I think I lean more towards beliefs shaping actions more.
4. I hardly ever watch TV, but my friend Ani and I watched 3 hours of TV tonight (CSI: Miami, Beauty and the Geek 2, Without a Trace).
5. Tonight I met a friend's son who has some intellectual disabilities. I immediately loved him. Even though I know it's not true, sometimes I wonder whether the giant amount I enjoy and love hanging out and being around people with developmental disabilities somehow precludes that from my list of possible callings. Like it's too easy or something. (Again, I realize this is not true.)
6. Saturday I'm going to watch The Color Purple for the first time. My friends Brandon and Sheena can basically perform the entire movie's dialogue with each other, so I'm going to go watch it with them and some other folks. I am looking forward to that.


Blogger micah said...

i sometimes leave comments on this blog.

and just because people don't mean comments, it doesn't mean they aren't reading.

also, the lack of aesthetic appreciation strikes me as a much bigger issue than not being into 'hardcore' athletic activities. i mean, it seems that you could probably take those up and learn to appreciate them. but if someone isn't really into 'art and literature' at all, then it seems like a long way to go to become the kind of person who appreciates them.

9:48 PM  
Blogger bethany said...

True true. I'm just a lame-o. I look at this blog, when there aren't any comments, and I picture this happening:
Someone I know stumbles upon my blog, sees a full page of entries w/o comments, and thinks, "Wow, Bethany really must just like to hear herself talk--and no one really cares. How pathetic."
Like I said, it's all ego. Anyway, for you Micah, I'll keep updating it then. ;)

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bethany, I comment in person.

The girl in quad 4

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bethany -

I read blogs at work study when I don't have any work to do. I enjoy yours. Keep posting and I'll try to comment every now and again.

3:19 PM  

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