
Away with you, Specs!

When I was in seminary, my eyes finally got to the point where I had to wear glasses all the time. I guess it was a combination of aging and all the reading and computering I was doing. And I've been fine with glasses. They are easy, can be funky when I want them to be, and I can see. So, that's good.

These new glasses I have (see picture on the sidebar) are back to my old style--with the bigger, blacker frames. I tried toning it down a bit, but I just like the more dramatic frames better. The problem is, with these bolder frames, I sometimes feel like the glasses define me a little too much. I went walking at Zuma (a beach in Malibu) with my friend Jose over the weekend; and I always take my glasses off to go walking. So I asked him whether he thought I looked better with or without glasses, and even though he likes the glasses, he says that without them I'm more of a blank slate. Whereas sometimes, with the glasses, especially the bold, black frames, some people have said that it can be like my face is saying:

Hey world! Look at me! I'm sooooo intellectual and SMART!

I don't have a problem with that sometimes. But I'd like the option not to have to announce that to the world all the time. So, I am going to look into getting some contacts, just to have the choice.


Blogger rachelerin said...

I love your intense intellectual glasses. They are a lovely reflection of you and look smokin' hot. I also like you without them. Options are fun, and contacts give you that flexibility. I have actually been wearing my glasses more often. Contacts are expensive and I have been cutting back financially.

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your glasses announce that you have good taste and what is wrong with that? Though I wore contacts for years and finally got laser surgery so I'm not trying to talk you out of contacts. But please, someone critiquing your glasses for making you look smart and intellectual. You are smart and intellectual! It's not as if you're putting on airs or wearing a monocle. What style of glasses would your critics prefer you wear? I guess I'm just outraged because I know how difficult it is to find glasses one likes. I wore some ornate glasses in my day. Loved them! I think people should be encouraged to wear what they love. :)

6:23 PM  

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